1 What is The Cancer Omics Atlas?
The Cancer Omics Atlas is a web-based tool for fast and straightforward querying of TCGA gene expression, somatic mutations, miRNA expression, protein expression data based on a single molecule or cancer type.
2 What functions does The Cancer Omics Atlas provide that are complementary with the existing tools?
The Cancer Omics Atlas has the following functions:
1) provides fast and straightforward querying of TCGA gene expression, somatic mutations, miRNA expression, protein expression data based on a single molecule or cancer type.
2) provides the querying of expression correlation between gene pairs, miRNA pairs, protein pairs, gene and miRNA, and gene and protein.
3) provides the querying of the associations of gene expression, gene somatic mutations, miRNA expression, and protein expression with survival prognosis in cancers.
4) displays transcriptional profiles across various human cancer types based on the pan-cancer analysis.
5) provides the querying of molecular profiles for 2,877 immune-related genes in human cancers.
3 Can I download the The Cancer Omics Atlas data?
Yes, The Cancer Omics Atlas provides the data related to gene somatic mutations, gene expression and microRNA expression for downloading.